The sub vs sub shit is retarded but it's really funny that Johnnycakes was talking shit about how this sub would be banned at anytime and then his 22nd sub gets banned first lol.

14  2019-09-06 by fatty-patty-2


Thank God they didn't talk about that one sci-fi author and kept the discussion limited to radio shows and comedy/comedians. Imagine how quickly it would have been banned if they hadn't!

Still crying all these hours later

I'm just having a giggle, friend. No need to follow me around and defend their honor

Yes thank God he spent all that time clutching his pearls and deleting any post that was remotely off topic or dared to say those evil faggot nigger words! I'll rest easy knowing it was all in the name of saving the sub and wasn't just a Spaceedge level ego trip he was on.

He wasn't even on the last sub. Your Intel is old.

Fuck you Johnny and Faggotcube, queers. Shadowban more faggots.

They won't be missed here. So long, fare well.

No more brother wars!

Eye on the prize fellas.... remember where the target is , a 60 something pedo.

We’re seriously still doing that subreddits matter fag shit? Fucking fag nonsense... the only people who care about that garbage are the posters who care about their Reddit lives. These fucking weirdos in addition to being failures as humans don’t get that people like Patrick are the real Nazis. They’re literally trying to expunge a certain political order in their mind.

Yeah, I know we’re just a bunch of rag tag not so rag tag loosely whatever assbags who hate whatever is the most hate worthy at the moment. Just ask Gregg how much effect we have on people that can be affected wink wink See you handsome cum dodgers on my next account.