I am not fat, child

61  2019-09-05 by IAmNotFatChild


The shape of his mouth bugs the shit out of me.

He looks like he should be swimming around with a bunch of other Koi fish at a shitty Chinese buffet with that mouth.

Holy shit! Do you remember "Seaman" on the Sega Dreamcast?

I smell a new bit.

I think the fat creases on the side of his mouth and his little Cabbage Patch Kid tuft of hair are his two signature features. Outside of the obesity, of course.

Cabbage Patch Kid tuft of hair got a nigga ribs

Let us not forget his patented double chin

Double? Somebody's feeling generous.

his life is so sad that he's developed a permanent frown on his fat face

His fat cheeks have gotten so heavy that his face muscles are incapable of lifting them up anymore. I think Hooligans is secretly fattening him up on the side.

It's the pie hole of an adopted, overweight Chinese baby who grew on Beefaroni and has spent the last 40 years addicted to video poker.

He's a living unhappy emoji, but fat.

Ol Donkey lips from salute your shorts.

What does it taste like?

That's just bratwurst and beer, summer chile.

Hey Earl, we got any more of that summer chile back there?

It's where I keep the love seeds of the children I ritually abuse. I'm a faggoty pelican, child.

bro joe would love for patty to drip feed some of that gullet child cum mouth into his mouth. like a momma bird feeding its babies.

Those are tracheal muscles, child.

That’s a fucking camel toe.

He's gonna be a jowly fat fuck of an old man

Not that old. His heart will probably give out when he's 56.

Chimichanga chinstrap

That's disgusting

Nigga lookin like one of the pig people from the Twilight Zone.

That's the bottom half of a chubby older woman's face.