"Divorce is an unfortunate reality of our lives at this point. It's also a great way of bolstering my arguments that gays should marry. But if I divorced? I'd fight for my kid. It's a contract I'm not willing to sign."

56  2019-09-05 by SpaceCaseBassFace


”Rebel against the system duuuude, vote for Hilary Clinton”

People ask me “hey Henry, what do you think about a father who doesn’t see his kids” and well it really depends on the, circumstances, does the father not want to see his kids? Or is he staying away from his kid because he’s some kind of deviant, a, sexual, predator, and he’s doing it for the child’s own good? Well either way he should be killed. That’s a man I’m not willing to co-exist with.

Hah ha, fawkin’ Rollins! I’m telling ya. Let’s take another call Uncle Paul you’re on the air.


Yeah you’re on the air! Go

Shuure this guy’s sayin suthin about an innocent man bein killed without a fair trial or nothin. He’s makin false allegations, they’re unfounde-


These boys are getting out of hand.

What the fuck

Fucking good one, thank you for your service

Share custody for just the summer with my daughter I created through love, even though you were never attracted to me, never respected me and don't trust me? That's a responsibility I can't fulfill, I don't love my child. I love my star wars figurines and collectibles, child.

If you haven't heard TRS impression of Rollins, you've missed out.


https://youtu.be/TVlNfo1tgXM The Right Stuff/Daily Shoah

Why did these ever go away?

We got lost.

Best bit ever, Diaz bits were always the hack version of this

The Rollins parodies and Faggotposting were the highlights of the original sub's last days.