Fatrick must be placed on the Red Flag list!

71  2019-09-05 by SuperToes845


Imagine being a 40 year old man bragging about bar fights and how angry and badass you are


He’s not even bragging to someone in person, he’s bragging to the Internet for likes. That’s even worse, child.

Noone can dispute my legendary bar fighting prowess on the internet due to lack of receipts, child. My physique is of a man to be feared little one, fat creases on my eyelids and lips are a warning sign that I'm real trouble. Hush now.


This is my favorite, none of it manipulated

We got a badass here.

I like how in Fatrick's first message he has to add "credibly" in front. Implying he has been accused of sexual assault before. This was in late 2018 before we even started trashing him. It's nice to know others outside our group have caught on to his deviant ways.

It was all lies child. They were lying to themselves.

As we've recently learned, all women who say unpleasant things about Pat are lying cunts.

Did Pat rape Adrienne?

Yeah, when he started that shit about making lists of "Trump terrorists" (non-existent) all I could picture were the images of him posting his edgy pics of his knives, guns, etc. Not to mention the weird violent shit he posts about news stories. Look at his eyes in the top photo. Even he should understand that vacant CWC look in his eyes would be unsettling if it were on the news.


"MULTIPLE bar fights."

Which means ZERO bar fights.

Depressive episodes, a propensity for violence, suicide attempts, a failed marriage with no access to his child, he’s failing at everything he attempts in his personal and professional life and to top it all off he has a problem with the booze. Oh and he’s armed.

This is the dictionary definition of toxic masculinity, a powder keg waiting to blow. You don’t need to be a police profiler to note this one down as a huge red flag.

that knife used to belong to an indain gentleman that is missing both of his arms

Serious question does he have fetal alcohol syndrome?

His mom is a pug

Has anyone forwarded this kind of stuff to the State of Wisconsin or City of Milwaukee? Given the recent events it seems like this type of thing should be brought to the attention of someone who can possibly prevent yet another tragic incident. I'd hate for this subreddit to be called out for not doing anything when we all saw the red flags.

How do you sign up for this red flag shit?

Yeah I need to know too if any of you guys know plz pm

Wait a few weeks or months for the laws to pass in Wisconsin or wherever Patrick is from, child.

There's also video of him shooting his guns and remember that Facebook post where he said he'd kill everyone in the room if there was an active shooter drill?

I’m starting to like this guy.

Yikes. Don't tempt him, child.

I’m literally shaking rn. The FBI should know about this

When you've actually been in multiple bar fights it's not something you brag about because it's a pretty fucking embarrassing thing to admit to when it's true.

Showing up to work on monday with a black eye at age 25.... looking real cool.

Now imagine at 38. He's probably the type of cunt who'll try to punch a brick wall multiple times and then go show off his knuckles to people trying to convince them that the superficial scrapes were due to multiple bar fights

You seriously can't make up this level of faggotry.

He wouldn't do that because it'd ruin his dainty fingers. Star Trek figurines can't build themselves you know.

Not to mention that if you've been in multiple bar fights at the same bar (he seems to only go to one) they ban you.


This is a guy who wants to write professionally? In English?

I’ve never seen a “professional author” who makes so many simple grammar mistakes

Like that monster Adrienne you are trying to use my cunning intellect against me with your lies, child.

My editor told me that once. ONCE.

Bet you he’s accidentally close the knife on his fingers multiple times and had to go run for some Neosporin and band-aids like the tough guy he is

no "credible" accusations, he obviously doesnt respect and listen to women

This guy is so metal.

I’d like to hear him talk like that to Jonathan.

It’s guys like Jonathan who the 21 foot rule was designed for. Patrick wouldn’t have a chance with that P90.

People who think Kavanaugh is a rapist is automatically a fucking retard in my book.

That look when you got too uppity with Nikki's bull and he turned his melanized meat dagger on ya.

I've been in many trashy bar fights growing up and it's something I regret and am embarrassed by (as we all usually are) and never, ever bring it up because it's so fucking cringe when looking back at it now.

But fuck it, Fatrick. You're trying to promote this tough guy persona yet we all see you're nothing but a coward who hides behind a shit bike, a trash car and going after Drumpf like you're a resistance fighter.

He's literally using his fighter fantasy as leverage for appearing like some misunderstood badass, and yet also the "intellectual" he's always fantasized of being and he's almost 40. What a fucking embarrassment.

Patso: I have a daughter who's never been abandoned. You're a self-important coward. The thought of your cowardice when you signed those papers because you were, and most definitely still are, a piece of shit mongrel who loves only himself and who made his wife loathe him due your narcissism makes me laugh even harder at your pathetically transparent lies. Your desperation to label everyone as a Nazi not only shows how fucking dimwitted you are but also that you're the ultimate Twitter sheep with your hackneyed observations.

Perfectly said!


Quality post right here

I do not recall who originally created this but would credit them if I could.

One of the funniest things about this fat queer is his cosplaying as some kind of a bad ass