Pat's pinned tweet is pretty transphobic and gross.

15  2019-09-05 by Mintwa


He thinks trans are a joke. Look at the description for his latest book. TRANSGENDER CRAB LOLOL. Get it? It's trans!!

In his book, he wrote the following passage:

"You're a disgusting monster!!"

"As a crab I take offense to that!"

"What? No. You're a monster because you're a transexual. Now go kill yourself like the other 40% of your kind you freak."

Just disgusting bigotry on Patrick's part.

I heard he originally had a character called “der führer Patrick” who gassed all the other characters at the end of the book. But TorBooks told him this was unacceptable and made him rewrite it. Patso claimed it was clearly satire but they refused to accept such filth.

It needs to be reported.

He's mocking preferred pronouns? in 2019? Isn't this that transphobe that deleted a facebook post referring to proud transpeople as "tr*nnies?"

Oh, my sweet bigoted child.