Pat did 3 open mics then called himself a comedian. He paid to have 2 shitty books self published then called himself an author. He tweeted some gay analogy that some baby murderers liked then called himself a political firebrand.

72  2019-09-05 by ArgumentChamp

What a faggot.


Forgot... he now calls himself a 'pundit' on his Twitter bio because he was on a science show that no one has ever seen ONE TIME.

Does anyone have the pic of him on it? He looked so beer bloated and fat. Always cracked me up. Pseudo intellectual faggot.

He looked so greasy under the studio lights.

I thought they tried to use shadows to hide his fat face

A show even the handful of perennial losers who openly support him on social media have never given any sort of feedback on.

You know he got this gig from rubbing tips with one of the producers during a child rape orgy at one of these pedo conventions the fat cuck gets his only play at.

He’d never be able to ingratiate himself to a child orgy ring, but he’d certainly do anything in his extremely limited means to be allowed to abuse children with his heroes.

Fatrick is someone who lives on the periphery of everything. He’s got zero inside knowledge of anything, and that’s why he’s so delusional and retarded. All his opinions are from an outsider’s point of view.

Wrong, asshole, I watched my appearance three times, by mathematical definition you are disproved, kiddo.

He called himself a man and then he raped all of those children

Nice try you Nazi incel child. Patrick got a multi-million dollar advance for his book because they Tor has such faith in him. Don't worry about the fact that he isn't listed on their list of authors or that they've never advertised his book sweet summer child. This is only because offered to have his ads instead used for works by some nigger dyke author.

I heard they organized a book signing event and even supplied him with 4 sharpies

Hi, fatty-patty-2!

I hope you have the best day ever!


Bad bot. Go fuck yourself you cum slurping niggerfaggot.

Calm down bro. Aint the bots fault you cant come up with anything more original than nigger

Shut up nigger.

🤭Someones being salacious tonight😉

Go watch dudes in tights wrestle some more niggerfaggot.

I will but not now. Taking a shit. Also its 2019, faggots be faggotting openly so idk what you trying to accomplish by using faggot in that manner sir.

Go watch sams podcast queer.

Why would you make the generalization that if im a wrestling fan i listen to his podcast, especially when there have been a few threads w screen caps of wwe fans shitting on him on twitter? Im just saying check yo self before you wreck yo self

Because you're gay and also a faggot.

Now youre just being silly. If im gay aint i already a faggot? Saying shit for shock value carries no weight in todays day and age where you can find anything uncensored. youre pretty much the digital bobo trying to be cool saying stupid perceived racy shit online😂

If you don't know the difference between gay and a faggot then you're a retarded faggot too.

Nah im just a grown ass man past that stage in life. The faggot and gay thing only work when the other person is sensitive to those remarks or theyre accordingly used in funny context. Lets agree to disagree, ill be whatever you want to call me, and you can be the unoriginal potentially closeted homosexual who thinks nigger and faggot are shocking, funny, and contribute to the lols by themselves w/o context. Go get wittier or resolve your underlying issues with your molestation or whatever minority made you feel slighted, then get back to me.

Clearly all of that bothers you immensely, hence the reply.

Type more words faggot.

Go complain about white privilege some more, SJW cunt.

But im not white? Why was that your automatic response? Does someone have a dark brooding history with race relations and progressive social issues?

Going off your comments chief.

Ouch, did not see that coming. Thats a very respectful comeback sir.

"I wish I was white" -you

Unless you've deleted all your comments that prove everyone's points on this thread, and destroyed yours. I like the one talking about how white men have it so easy in the judicial system etc.

Someone has dabbled in deleting posts on reddit. Hmm why you projecting your insecurities on me? I dont care about reddit karma, so no i havent deleted my posts. Idk wtf youre talking about but whatever i said probably has some points with a solid foundation and some with none whatsoever. Im just as prone to prejudices as are you. The difference between me and whomever i fucked with and probably you, is that i dont get off saying shit like nigger and faggot outside of somewhat acceptable context. If i misunderstood original comment my bad i fucked up, and if not then yall keep doing you

Your faggot ass campaigning for open borders, fuck off sissy.

Nah bro.

bad bot

Bad bot


He also got cucked and called himself a man.


This is the new generation of “entertainers.” They make these shitty self-insisted works and expect to get recognized virally somehow. It’s horrendous.

He's not just a regular author, he's a novelist.
