The Orville

64  2019-09-04 by IGotATreeOnMyHouse85

Remember when Pat thought he could get a job writing for the FOX show The Orville even though he has zero experience writing for TV? He really thought if he took a picture wearing a shirt for the show and post it online they would make him an offer and out to Hollywood.

Patio fails again!

Fun fact, while Pat was ignored by the show they did hire someone to do a voice for the show. That man? You guessed it, Norm MacDonald.

That must of made Fatrick furious.


He thought because he looks like a gayer Seth Macfarlane he had an in.

Our patron saints Mel, Norm and Colin always shine their light on the world. Patrick plunges into the darkness of his rape dungeon where he feasts on pasta with hit dogs and Walnut sauce.

It's beautiful.

Hey man what if his writing is like too good for tv. He didn’t get the job and has more time for his novels, you know what I’m saying man? Pulitzer Pat wins again.

He is editing his next classic as we speak.

I hope he switches the first letters of someone's name again. It's those types of things that separate him from just another "novelist"

I hope firstname lastname meets their evil, separated at birth sibling named lastname firstname. My mind would be blown

How about Firstname Last name's cousin - Username Password or his friend Age Sex Location.

Jesus this novelist stuff is easy.

Pill Blinton. Qarack Ubama.

I'm sure one would need to be a member of the writers guild and we all know he can't afford the union dues