Running with the devil.

61  2019-09-03 by ScottfromSanQuentin


Reddit nigga ribs today!

So many laughs at this fat shlubs expense

The word "lolcow" was made for him.

🎶Swallowing brats like there's no tomorrow,

Oh how I love me a greasy meal,

My wife left me now I'm filled with sorrow,

Yes I'm eating at a pace that kills🎶

He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger! 

It’s good but it’s still missing a bit of the retard fury found in the original

It is but the real runners laughing at him on the way past make up for it.

Everyone is distracted from their sport by Pat’s fatty waddle.

Testing to see if I'm shadowbanned

I see you.

Yeah I know now. I’m shadowbanned from all the political subs (news, worldnews, politics, politicalhumor). Gee I wonder why. This website is so fucking gay, it’s beyond circlejerkery at this point.

It's the worst but where else am I going to get my daily dose of Fatrick fun? Sad.

Running with the DevilDogs

HAHA HOLY SHIT, thats fucking hilarious

Fucking post of the year. Dead laughing.