“I want to bring in some friends of mine who knoooow bars” - some weird lipped asshole I’ve never heard of.

12  2019-09-03 by JimKnowsBars


I see Jim is still his mugging faggot self.

My hard hitting review:

The episode begins with the two mutants walking up to a clearly disturbed bartender who is so flustered at the sight of them he can’t remember the house drink list properly. Jim then asks for Bloody Mary mix which is basically just hot sauce before blurting out “It’s burning my (cum congealed) throat!” Weird lip guy comments about the size of the glass his rapist friend agreed to. I now hate both dumb old fag lip guy I never heard of and Hack Norden more than ever.

Cro magmum orders a beer and sarcastically reprimands the bartender who’s terrified at the sight of him and clearly frazzled for not knowing the bar doesn’t have his drink in bottle form. After taking his first ever sip of beer the gross thing asks “ Why did my parents disfigure my how they did?!!” Actually he blurgs “Is it is supposed to be flat?” because he’d know either way. “Slam a few! That’s the strategy!” And what’s the strategy you have for not raising Jesse’s kid to end up a humanzee such as your faggot self? That’s the real question I think.

I don’t care who’s a teetotaler or what but bar grub is essentially grease sandwiches. That’s what drunks/ drunk people order. “Look at my hand!” Worry more about your face/facial hair/posture/everything you dumb cunt.

In conclusion Jim raped a girl on sir not to mention numerous illegal immigrant transsexuals and Sam should be sent back to the Island of Dr. Moreau.

You got a niggas ribs hurtin' TADAY!

Now this is the kind of stuff I come here for

... but what happened to the groceries?

Recovering addict in a bar?

Don’t worry baby boy called his sponsor at least twice that day. Then went to a meeting as soon as possible to share a self-congratulatory account of events that day in a masturbatory manner.

Are you referring to that infamous weekend where Jimmy downed half a six pack of Mike’s Hard Lemonade? He was more animal than man...he also is a rapist.

When asked how he'd like his burger Jim goes, "a medium?" only faggots end sentences in the form of a question.

Taffer is the most obvious Jew who I'm not sure is actually Jewish

In the first 30 seconds, Jim whines passive aggressively about his drink and Sam repeats the old bar fly’s joke back to him. Taffer got what he paid for.

What self respecting man orders a Bloody Mary at a dive bar at 9pm.

Above All Else... Real!