Lol did I hurt your feelings fatso patso?

22  2019-09-03 by fatty-patty-2


Awww poor Pattycakes got his feewings hurt! You’re probably FILLED with thetans and this is his way to protect his clear status.

Only thing clear about Fatty is the pisswater beer he swills at Hooligan’s as he blows Nikki’s latest paycheck.

What was the comment?

It was a picture of him pissing in a coffee pot.

God bless this place lol

I got one of those when I wished him harm while working on his car. Patty Cakes is really easy to make cry.

I got one for telling him to drunkenly ride his fat ass into traffic on his shitty Thai bike.

That shit was hilarious

Pulitzer Patty was not amused, child