Birds of a feather fat together...

56  2019-09-02 by percykaramello


It’s like when you’re making an Xbox account and they give you those retarded randomized names

All I’m saying is, I’ve never seen them in the same place at the same time.

She looks like she is type 2 diabetic


HEY HEY, not cool to potentially misgender someone, asshole


That jew tranny isn't fooling anyone.

Pretty little psycho.

Yaniv parades around as a female, not a fucking female. Fatrick parades around as a man, not a man.

I mean, when you crumble the cookie like that Patrick is a cool guy.

Is that Adrian Adonis?

Yaniv fucked up so bad that even Canadians are pissed at him. I'm enjoying his saga immensely.