Comedy in 2019

32  2019-09-02 by Grillskillz


Buncha slackjawed faggots

It really only represents the disconnect that the media has with the rest of reality. Journalists do not have the interest of the people in mind. They’ve lost that plot.

The funny thing about Nanette: users didn’t really kill the special. Yes there was political motivation against Gadsby, but for the most part; they didn’t completely destroy the special. 65 percent is at least passable.

Yet 0 percent of pro reviewers hate Dave’s new special, and more are expected to follow suit. So we’ll see how that disconnect looks between audience and reviewers. It’ll be telling, to say the least.

And some people scoff at the term “fake news”

Doesn't get more fucking blatant than this

Strange, Chappelle has the level of talent that he delivers at least something okay, never anything bad.


It's stupid that people have to turn to a website to tell you if something is good or not. Dumb mouth breathers.

The core dishonesty of wokeness is what infuriates me, we all know this wasn't funny

Read some of the 'reviews' of Chappelle's special if you really want to get mad. They're so nakedly biased and hollow, they truly are like Soviet-era propaganda pieces.