Patso solicits accolades in spite of the fact that he's done nothing praiseworthy.

26  2019-09-01 by Jung_Skywalker

That's it. That's why he's both laughable and hateable in equal measure.


He revels in his fake oppression from “whatever” to justify his faggy indignation at being called a faggot. He’s also a faggot.

Harsh but fair.

It's such a weird way to live. He wants to be viewed as a runner despite finishing almost dead last in his Fun Run. Anyone who runs would view him with nothing but derision, not for his bad time, but for presenting himself as something he isn't. The very same principle applies to his writing. He's an awful writer, but presents himself as a novelist. No one faults people for trying, but frauds are universally hated. And Patso is a fraud to the very core if his being.

Every single fucking tweet he makes is soliciting accolades. Everything he says anywhere he goes he's expecting this "woooo you goooo girrrrrrrl" shit from lefty faggots. What a fucking dumb pandering sweet nothing child.

He reminds me of a Bible verse of Jesus saying something like, when you do good deeds do them in private. Don't trumpet them from the rooftops to gain praise. It's interesting that he's such a loathsome creature that everyone from internet dickheads to Christ almighty can hate him.

It probably all boils down to Fatty Cakes not getting enough love or attention from Daddy.

Molested by daddy.