Kid toucher.

51  2019-08-31 by fatty-patty-


I hope a sinkhole swallows his house

"I'll walk naked in front of this playground and there's nothing you Nazis can do about it!"

I like how a lot of the time you can't see his ears in pictures. Just his fat, stupid peanut m&m shaped head.

I've never seen a white person with such a pie face

I'm big boned, sweetheart.

obscenely gestures at daycare

Still on the sidewalk, child! I'm cultivating mass!

I couldn’t imagine the psyche required to take these photos and be proud of them.

Patso here has Brother Joe beat in the gay selfie department.

Look at his fat little tit in the one pic. And he honestly doesn't think he's fat. Dude is legitimately mentally ill.

Those are pecs, child.

It's called a "teet."

That fat titty flaps in the wind while dropping dots of sweat like flap jacks drop drips of syrup. Can you imagine trying to just drive in your quiet Milwaukee suburb and get back to your family and having that disgusting sweaty monster fresh off a pint of beer and brats sweating profusely off his tits onto your windshield?

I know from first hand experience that the face he's making in these photos is the very same face that PATRICK S. TOMLINSON makes immediately after he finishes FUCKING A CHILD TO DEATH

That's awful!

If true, he needs to be stopped.

That rare body dysmorphia where fat blobs of shit see themselves as handsome, ripped Adonis-types. I’m surprised he hasn’t entered any bodybuilding contests.

That pic on the left. I don't know what the fuck is going on in his head, but I'm sure if you could look inside, even the most seasoned inner-city homicide detective would be brought to his knees weeping and vomiting.

I'm not even joking. It's the same look that Charles Manson and Ted Bundy had.

Hey Fatrick try to get the archived removed faggot

That is the face of metaphysical evil.

How many corpses of children are under the floorboards of his walkway do you think? Fucking Gacy level monster.