Offensive images that Fatrick can't DMCA 1/???

64  2019-08-29 by I_SODOMIZE_COPS


All races except white. White people are Hitler.

In his own mentally ill lefty mind he's the only white on this planet that isn't a "white supremacist". Fucker actually believes he's the hero whiteman fighting for niggers on their behalf to save them.

White race is the green dick?

I believe that represents his love of science fiction and wanting to fuck aliens.

was it Fat Pat who started all the DMCA shit?

Yes. I assume it's what his "legal team" advised him to do as a last resort.

His legal team is long and poorly constructed queries into Google

His forensic work of collecting the receipts, child. SUBPOENA on your harassment campaign, little one.

Hush, Nazi

I want to be in his screenshot.

He got the second sub banned for copyright BS, which was the first sub to get banned. Kinda hilarious considering how long homo Joe and Tranthony were trying to nuke it

Of course. Never-An-Original-Thought James would have never figured this out on his own.

There are so many of his IG pictures I want to post and make fun of but that would just be irresponsible. How do I draw good?

The one and only thing Fatrick won't discriminate against is the asshole of every race of young boy. Except white supremacists god knows how evil those fuckers are.