Pat is awake and reveals his true self on twitter now

33  2019-08-29 by instarembling


Nothing worse than someone who uses “literally” every chance they can. He’s almost too cringe to believe

I hope that his heart literally explodes from all the cholesterol and alcohol abuse.

How does he come up with these groundbreaking ideas?

By picking the brain of the 13 year old boy he keeps locked in his basement.

Seriously though, could his stories be any more trite? His “novels” are the literary version of a shitty garage band in a sitcom.

From Twitter, FB and bath house glory holes.

He steals pretty much everything from Futurama.

By directly copying them from things like Detroit: Become Human, Blade Runner, Humans, etc.

Nothing about his manufactured personality is original.

Oh my gawsh like it’s literally in my next “novel”

Using the same originality he used in William Tate's Starship Repo

It certainly wasn't until he read that shitty tweet. Not that anyone cares one way or another.

Of course, he was fishing for attention by mentioning its his next “novel” and as usual nobody cares that Pat is writing (or pretending to write a novel.

OMG you’re writing a NoVEL?! Tell me more mysterious fat man!

Fatrick gets laid whenever he wants. Now I know what he means.

When a robot sex worker kills a young transgender crab with a promising music career, the Intergalactic Hate Crime Task Force is called in to investigate.

As surprises unfold around every corner of the galaxy, an Intergalactic Community is forced to confront their long history of marginalizing spacecrabs in order to begin the healing process.

Holy shit that sounds like a bestseller!

who hasn't thought that robots may eventually kill us or some shit...