Has anyone here actually tried explaining to a normal human being what these subs are about?

25  2019-08-28 by AgentOldFag

I just thought of the possibility of one of Logan Lynn’s dozen fans deciding to see if he has a Reddit fan page and stumbling across this seeming nonsense.

“Well, there was this radio show with an illegal immigrant Tunisian closeted homosexual white supremacist as host along with a meaty chested hack (though actually white not a neo-Nazi) who is held up as the less obnoxious half of the show because he’s not a pedophile. The show is now run by a manlet who rapes transsexuals and enjoys being shat on. His co host is a walking failed science project who has no penis. The Tunisian’s brother leeches off his now unemployed brother who was fired because he couldn’t leave it alone and doxxes people when he’s not fucking the CryptKeeper. Finally, there’s this wife beating, alcoholic, child touching (allegedly) from the Midwest who hates his daughter but loves to come her to talk about children. All because the former North African radio host eeffenduhed some people.”


I’ve tried once or twice. They don’t speak to me anymore. I never liked those people anyway.

Both of you were right.

Ahhh who needs em

I sent a message to the vape thief earlier and may have eeefffended him and now my account is banned for 3 days. told a really hot girl at work that i got banned for harassing a slovenly addict with sticky fingers and she laughed but didnt start sucking my nuts immediately

What a prude. SpaceGunt is still alive?

As of sometime this morning, yes. But maybe he will get that good her-on and OD. Would make for some quality material here

Be a welcome bit of news considering all the child rape going on in Milwaukee at the moment. Sad.

We should advertise this place on twitter to Logan’s fans, assuming they exist.

I thought the kid touching has been confirmed?


I had a friend that finally joined the fold after the Brenda Schlob doc, that led him to ACDM, The Worm Has Turned, Fatshit Shumer ect.

Been trying to explain it to him for years, ya just gotta get them thru the door with one doc