Patso is going to write a book about us costing him thousands of dollars.

50  2019-08-28 by PringleCanJonathan


We don't exist?

I exist. Do you guys exist?

Did I ever tell you about the time a subreddit cost me my social media accounts, hundreds of followers, and ability to promote my shitty direct-to-digital Manga Opera so I tore down their sub like a shitty punk show flyer abusing the copyright system?

Well have I told you they've made dozens of iterations of that shitty flyer since? And it cost me thousands of dollars to get my precious twitter back? Yet had to shut my Instagram because of the trolls - definitely NOT because I was getting 2 to MAX 5 likes on all my content?

Well... suffice to say, I definitely won that round.

It was the best of times, it was the bratwurst of times...

Fingers crossed he implicates himself for filing unsubstantiated DMCAs.

What haaappend? I was just talking to him the other day?!

Still here, child

toe to toe? how exactly are we getting close with that giant gut in the way?

I bet Dr. David Duke and Nigel Igger will be reviewing said book

James Hefner too

Fat Pat is a huge fan of Dead Roe tha Hoe

Ooo i can see the goodreads reviews already

I am sure the reviews will serve as great testimonials for his troll fighting abilities.

Nana Karenina

War and Pizza

by Leo Tolstoysintheiroriginalpackagingchild

Cheese Pizza, in this case

Extra walnut sauce for fatty patty

He forgot a brown pizza related handkerchief at the marathon

I don't get it

It's all in the emails.

Heart attack of darkness

All quiet on the weightloss front

This is the greatest comment I've ever made, and possibly anyone's ever made.

Haiku #1

this Chinese man's gut

make hard to go toe to toe

without do limbo.

Time to get that toe trigger shotgun ready!

He’s writing it but nobody wants to buy it. Just like everything else he writes. I hope he calls it “I’m not fat child, I just have fat on my face”

No one on the left gives a shit about a white guy crying victim.

Can’t lie, I might buy an autographed copy.

“Please make it out to Nigel Iggers, my sweet summer child.”

No longer exists yet has been responding to posts all week. Nice “win” there, child. It must make him mad he posted about Logan Lynn and how they “rolled over” us yet this sub with Logan’s name that is dedicated to goofing on Pat gained 500+ subscribers this week.

First review of his book:

"I really wanted to like this book but it was written by an untalented fag. Better luck next time, brothaman. Now lets see what Snowy thinks about this, Snnoooowwaaaayyy!" --Greg H.


Oh god this is funny, he's so desperate for any type of win in his life that he's trying to act tough when all he did was email DMCAs. He didn't win a single written exchange and took the coward's way out.

I admire the guys unworthy self-confidence.

Although, it could be mistaken for severe autism.

Or self-loathing, child.

Always suprises me that both Joe and Pat think that the sub once had 27k unique subscribers when most were alt accounts.

I've been following this soap opera for about 5 years and the number of members has always been around 1000-1500, and since multireddit started you don't even need to subscribe.

It's almost as if they know don't know dick about the internet.

Cut Fattycakes a break. He couldn’t even graduate from Waukesha County Technical College - dropped out. He’s clearly not smart, even without reading his “retorts” on here or on Twitter.

So I never cared about Patrick because he's less famous and impactful that Jo..errr Jame Hefner and whatever, he's a fat autistic loser nerd.. So can you give me a sauce on that cus that's the funniest thing I've ever heard associated with him.

He is rather prideful of his dropout status: it was on his old Twitter and he even mentioned it since his return to grace the world with his pithy “Orange Man Bad!” wisdom. Sadly, I don’t have the receipts but if there’s a way to search Twitter it’s on there.

It was also pointed out in a now-dead subreddit but I think some people have found a way to search for specific info off of there, too.

This asshole goes on TV and speculates on Space shows and couldn’t pass Basic Physics at Waukesha County. He’s a Cumia level fat fraud.

Why would anyone give him the time of day then? Like, if he's not an expert in the field, if he's not an actual author or scientist or even "Sci-Fi historian" why is on a show about space exploration? Any random /r/space nerd would undoubtedly be better informed and sourced than him.

And Pat, I cannot state this firmly enough but I simply didn't give a shit at all let alone enough to target/harass/fuck with your reviews... I just really enjoying annoying those who are SO VERY easily annoyed especially with their own vainglorious bullshit but based on the pages I've read...




your writing fuck




At the very least they read like you took an intro to screenwriting class... and then wrote a novel instead. WAY too much dialogue, hardly any exposition or description, and your instinctual need to seem cutesy-clever really ruins anything of substance you may have to say.

I had never even heard of this "community" until I started listening to old O&A clips on youtube and was curious if it had a subreddit. But apparently ya'll were on par with Proud Boys and 4chan, collectively.

I can't get enough of this fat idiot.

We think therefore we are. We exist you talentless fuck.

Is he on KF radar like Joe? Because we could use some help.

Yeah we have some of his faggotry documented over there

How To Win Any Argument By Calling Someone Child, Child - by Fatrick S(ex offender) Touchyourson.

That's fine, Pat. But I have a couple suggestions for my character...

  1. I need to be loud, angry and have access to a time machine.

  2. Whenever I'm not in a scene, all the characters should be asking "Where's GroovyBastard?"

That was a damn good episode. “I have to go now. My planet needs me.”


Was it worth the thousands of dollars yet, faggot?

I'm in like three subs right now. They keep getting better.

It doesn't exist because some other fatso went on a power trip and closed the sub after getting exposed for stealing a vape.

He’s a try-hard poser who is willing to do anything, ANYTHING to be on TV. The Science Channel shits out that Alien garbage with no discernable budget so they’re open to having anybody on their terrible show to eat up time....even a middling “author” of crap Sci Fi. He’s the only published author who will be associated with that shit. They don’t care if he’s widely read, he’s a seat filler (and a pant-load at that!)

And you know they paid him shit to do it, they told him it would be good “exposure” that could lead to more sales instead of paying him a decent fee.

"And yes, I'll be writing a book about it".

More people read this sub every day than read your prattlings, you fat piece of child touching shit. Let that sink in.

I can't WAIT for his next winsome post on Facebook or Twitter whining about how much he pretends to miss his child, so that I can publicly remind his dozens of followers how much time, effort and money he exerted to get his precious Twitter back that he never put forth to see his alleged child. You have revealed your priorities, Man Boobs

is abusing the dmca systems by committing felonies that are too mundane and low level for large websites to care "Tactics that are proven effective"? I mean i guess, but you probably won't put that in your book.

Well, he is a fiction writer

"One of the most toxic and destructive communities on the internet".

What the hell is he talking about? Is he really comparing the old sub to places like StormFront or 4chan?

We're his Vietnam

We should write our own book with his name and cover and seed it before his comes out.

Adopt Tactics = calling everyone a child

I'm a self published author so back off tough guy. Have you seen my online reviews? That's what I thought, child.

This man is quite the cunt.