Yes, there needs to be a war because faggotcakes decided to turn into spaceedge 3.0, and we're coming for that delusional tyrant like it's 1776

0  2019-08-28 by eatshitfaggotlmfao


Imagine this delusional faggot /u/ilovejohnnycakes (r.i.p. 😂) accusing anyone of being "Reddit Legal" after he has made all these earnest posts touting how <insert goofy user name> has "talked to a real lawyer and Joe's days are numbered."


Remember that faggot who said he responded to the DMCA claim and that Joe had 10 days? What happened to that? 😂

You have mental issues dude.

you're right in what you say, I'm an asshurt faggot, now here's my attempt to distract people from what you said

Delusional queer.

This is what will kill us. Not Patso or Joe, but the constant obsession with who’s mod and who isn’t. You could be right about “faggotcakes”, I really don’t pay attention to that kind of stuff. But what’s your solution? That you get to be mod and then everything will go smoothly?

This is what will kill us. Not Patso or Joe, but the constant obsession over who’s mod and who isn’t.

Oh yeah the subs were killed over mod obsession, not off-site harassment or copyright violations.

You know what your comment boils down to?

I'm a cocksucking faggot who is too stupid to come up with a believable excuse why I'm not here just defending johnnycakes

But what’s your solution? That you get to be mod and then everything will go smoothly?

Not me, but any censoring mods are forbidden from being mods, and any mods only have one job, to remove actually illegal content like inciteful violent speech or actual IP violations.

Next time, instead of typing all that why not just go out & blow a load of guys. It'll be infinitely less gay

I do not at all concur with your first two sentences sir.

Imagine thinking that keeping faggot censor mods around killed the sub and not the actions of some of its users. He is a cocksucking lying faggot.

So what would you do if johnny/ChrisBarton just said “ok i quit”. Like youd just be like “yesssss fuck yea i win!!” and then never come back here again? What else would you do w your time?

Why would I never come back? I'll participate just like anyone else, just like the old days, and if I get downvoted so be it, just don't censor a man for legal words used on an open internet forum.

I won't even say "I win". I'll just go back to casually commenting on posts, making one now and then. It's very simple. I even offered an olive branch by saying I no longer need the censoring faggots to be banned, and that I'm fine with them being allowed to comment like anyone else (because I'm better than them, I don't take something that belongs to nobody and try to make it my own little faggot clubhouse).

As a final note, my ego has nothing to do with this, unlike faggotcakes and his desperate need for the power that comes with being a subreddit moderator. The only power that fag_barton is interested in can be found at Professor Charles Xavier's school for gifted children.

So youd come back to the community you openly admit to destroying and getting banned? Im not rly following. Youve gotten every sub banned. What would there even be “to come back to”? Youre not a “normal” poster by any stretch of the imagination.

Why would you never come back? Because everyone hates you and nobody wants you around. You never contribute anything but crying and you've never said anything funny.

Of course you’d say “I win”, you always do. And you never just casually posted; you sperged out for attention. Always.

I think your problems are internal (psychological) and have nothing to do with mods or censorship or anything like what you’re currently bitching about.

You campaigned against bam’s seed because she was a ‘she’ and you resented her getting upvotes. You bragged about getting one of her accounts banned in one of the single gayest posts in the history of whatever iteration of this sub that was; and when people called you out for it you called them white knights without realizing what a complete faggot you were being.

You railed against others at a different point for “laundering their politics through the sub” in otherwise completely apolitical posts, like the faggot Cumia ballwasher you are.

The list goes on and on of other gay stances you’ve taken over the months and years to justify your SJW tactic horseshit and boring shittiness.

I’m sure in person you don’t come off as this bad, and maybe you take comfort in that. But this is you, man, a total fucking bitch who does nothing but repulse people. If your mother knew the real you she’d probably die from disappointment.

Do the honorable thing, you Korean piece of shit.

tl;dr "Why won't you guys be my friends? I'M TELLING!"

Also, name drop a dozen or so comic book characters while making fun of someone else for reading them, stupid.

Hey Joe now that James Hefner has been exposed can I pitch to you a new alias name?

Beaux Vine.

Beaux is sexy and has like a New Orleans feel to it. While "Vine" either makes you think wild jungle or that street in Hollywood.

The Beaux Vine Solo Trio. Now there's a performer I'd book for my corporate gig.

Eat shit joe.

You can’t even make testosterone anymore you blithering, floppy-cocked fool.

No need, I spend my little brother's rapidly dwindling cash to buy vials of it. I win again, libtards!


I concur with the idea that your fucking the Crypt Keeper.

How much do you pay Jefferey Hollander to 'babysit' Layla, Joe? How much does he spend for 'alone time' with her? Do you have fun with that convicted child sodomizer? Looks like you and Bobo were having fun to me. Very, very suspicious that you tried to cover up and lie about the whole thing.

I think CPS should look into this, I wonder if your ex wife knows that you spend time with Mr. 'Kurt Love' and his history of violently anally raping children? They should both be informed. This is no laughing matter, I take the welfare of children at risk very seriously.

Bleep bloop blorp,

Greetings fellow Netizen! I am a new bot that has been automatically summoooned because it appears you are attempting to correct someone else's grammar incorrectly, which makes you seem like a "double douche".

Your reply:

I do not at all concur with your first two sentences sir. 

Utilizes the following incorrect grammar:

My Artificial Intelligence has scanned your comment and post history to inform a "character-appropriate" grammatic correction. Please excuse any idiomatic transcription errors as this feature is still in beta:

Here's how you correctly spell it, you fat leeching embarrassment excuse of a burden on society. Maybe if you didn't drop out of high school or ever worked a day in your life on self-improvement, you would know the correct way to correct the reply is:

I do not concur at all with your first two sentences, sir. 

No need to thank me. You’re welcome. If this has been sent in error, please contact my creator /u/YourMomsDeadInABox In the meanwhile, here's a silly ASCII cow to brighten your mooood:

          .=     ,        =.
  _  _   /'/    )\,/,/(_   \ \
   `//-.|  (  ,\\)\//\)\/_  ) |
   //___\   `\\\/\\/\/\\///'  /
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        `\\/`~(, '()      ('
         /(O) \\   _,.-.,_)
        //  \\ `\'`      /
       / |  ||   `""""~"`
     /'  |__||

good bot

Good bot

You literally have nothing to contribute except this melodrama, do you? Redundant little zilch

I've contributed plenty before the war began, now I'm a General about to conduct the final campaign against your side. Kill yourself and enough with the 'what have you contributed' red herring. Exposing faggot mods is enough on its own to make me a hall of famer.

The fact that you're completely serious in what you say despite it being delusional is precious. Can't answer a straight question so instead wheels out the old red herring schtick

First lawyer in his family, last to be invited to family gatherings when there's children present

Isn’t he great?

Oh, he's certainly special

No you stupid faggot it isn't a (((shtick))), you're trying to distract from the point I made in the title, a point that has nothing to do with who makes nor how many contributions are made to the sub. You don't have to contribute anything to be a part of the sub you stupid strawman arguing faggot. You saying I don't contribute means nothing you stupid faggot. Mods aren't supposed to do anything but remove illegal content.

Because you're a cocksucking retarded faggot, I'll spell it out for you:

This war is happening because faggots like faggotcakes thought they could use their status as voluntary internet janitors to censor people in a community that belongs to nobody, and these internet janitors only have one job, which is to remove illegal content.

The only people who agree with you are the faggots who hate me for calling them out, and they came to upvote you to make it seem like you have any semblance of a point.

I wish I could choke you to death. You're welcome to take the same offer I gave to chris_barton, to come to LA on my dime and fight me on camera for the sub. Pussy faggot you'll piss yourself just thinking of it.

I'd say about 90% of THIS sub couldn't give a fuck about your point. Not the other sub before you start becoming the sassy little bitch you always become, throwing "y'all" over the place & going on about your unrequited crushes or whatever justification you've given yourself to stop the voices for a few minutes

You're a fucking joke. A cancer to any place that you're a part of. Go on, say something witty in response that doesn't include:

* + Faggot - Anything about a mod + "War" - Ridiculous challenges from the clearly mentally challenged + Bootlicking - Jew/kike etc + (((THIS SHIT))) - Sucking cock, you fucking closet case + Acting like your say matters above any other person here - Attempting to portray anyone who's sick of your shit or any other in agreement with that opinion to be on any sort of team + Quoting a reply & changing it to say something in the style of your usual faggotry

Go on. Amaze us

4 hours later, still hasn't even tried.

It's not a war, it's just you crying.

The only thing you've contributed that had any impact anywhere was sharing your collection of kiddie porn that got the forum shut down.

This is libel. Reported.

Frightening stuff.

Got any more collections for me? It’s been a lonely night.

Cow tactics

Exposing faggot mods is enough on its own to make me a hall of famer.

Gayest shit I've ever read.

Gayest thing I've read today and I was just on the Goodreads Starship Repo page.

You are nothing

You are such a fucking faggot.

i'Ve ExTenDeD An oLivE bRaNch, i'M a gENeRaL