Does anyone have any stand up quote pics from Patrick's catalogue of racist, homophobic, sexist, and anti semitic jokes?

17  2019-08-28 by SpaceCaseBassFace

I need to spread the word on his bigotry.


Also when he plays beer pong at Hooligan's with girls significantly younger than him he names his team "Depends how thin you slice 'em", so that the DJ has to read that aloud when its his turn. Real bad guy. SAD!

No pics, but I've definitely seen a YouTube clip I'm not linking, where Fat promulgated his passion that there should be "An island for the gay's, an island for the ethnics and an island for fat, ugly women"; Youre not hardcore, unless you live hardcore - and that rotund retard is all in.

A guy told him to cool it with the anti semitic remarks and he threw a chair at him and also called him a nigger which was odd because the man was white.

His hate lacks boundaries or reason.

Thanks but I was hoping for his more risque and racially charged material.

Also there was a pic of fatty in front of the Twin Towers exploding with his backwards hat and shit eating grin, that was gold and would be a shame if it's gone forever

I went to a comedy show in Milwaukee where Patrick was the opening act. He screamed, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children!" and kept on repeating it. When people started rightly booing and leaving, then he started with racial epithets against PoC. Disgusting behavior.