This is just disgusting.

30  2019-08-28 by fatty-patty-


In starting to think this Patrick S. Tomlinson guy is a real jerk.

Haven’t been on the Patso train for ages now and I see he is still a fucking monster. For shame. I bet he still loves pedophiles and still can’t have access AngryJonny’s daughter.

He was hanging out with pedophile apologist Cat Rambo a few weeks ago at a conference.

Do they? The gentlemen of pigment I know and love prefer Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

You are a real man, unlike that fat-fold cheeze smelling cuckold.

Melanin queens & kings.

Patrick S. Tomlinson is a racist pig. Why the fuck does Twitter allow him to have an account?

Yeah seriously. Funyuns smell way better than black people

So blind people can hate them too.


Something a profound author would say