Reminder that Patrick S. Tomlinson isn’t a cuckold for “respecting” women, but because his first wife literally left him for a man with a cooler bike and bigger dick.

49  2019-08-28 by JOE_CUMIA_IS_A_LOSER


Has any relationship ever worked with you? NOOO!

I’m a little sad I just discovered you today.

(screaming) Say thank you!

Did someone say MOOO?!?

Better wife, better dick, better knives, better guns, better bike, better jizz. Jonathan absolutely owned Fatty in every sense.

Better wife, better dick, better knives, better guns, better bike, better jizz.

...Papa John's!

Haha American bike !

Jonathan Snyder ? I hear he’s quite the cocksmith.

That’s the one. The man has it all.

An actual job, children that look up to him as a proper father figure and a wife with a tight twat (though not for long I’m sure).

To be honest that snatch looks like an old gym sock by now after Jonathan has blessed it so many times with his Pringle’s can.

Poor thing is going to need a vaginoplasty soon enough.

/u/Patrickstomlinson care to comment? or are you busy prepping the bull?

He is busy building another model, waiting for Nikki after a hard day's work to come home and feed his marathon bodied fat ass and proceed to write 5 words in another vein attempt at being an accomplished writer. Follow-up by crying alone in the shower realizing that a real man is raising his mutant offspring.

A real review of his, cough, novel:

The author uses every page to shoehorn his politics. Also very bland and generic.

May 21, 2019

Format: Paperback

To be honest I typically enjoy books on war and and world history but the cover looked cool so I figured I’d give it a read. It was basically a low budget and even less creative book version of a Sci Fi channel movie. On top of that the author shoehorns his politics into every page of the book. I would not recommend this book to a sci fi fan because I feel like a fan of the genre would just look at this as too tacky and bland. Very forgettable read overall

Cooler bike? I don't think so, child. The Triumph is an American classic.