Fatso tublinson is promoting gun violence and civil war on Twitter. Please report this violence to the authorities

30  2019-08-28 by Dr-Seepage


Reported. Literally shaking rn


Thanks for archiving it. I know the Milwaukee Police department is watching our every move so I’m sure they are aware of this, but I’ll forward this to them in case they missed a spot.

Probably worth sending this to the fbi, those sound like terrorist threats

You're on the right side of history, Fagshit S. Cumsinkids. Thank you for your service.

Reported. Of course if he gets disciplined for threatening to go on a shooting spree, he'll be the real victim.


Beat me to it. God bless.

How did we ever allow his dangerous terrorist sympathizer to get his Twitter account back?

It'd be a shame of Fox News picked up the story and hundreds of boomers swarmed his account.

He paid Twitter to get it back.

He'd like nothing more. I get a cheap thrill of watching him flail in obscurity. Reminds me of that one fallen radio host. There used to be a sub for it I think.




How dare you even fucking insult me with some of the stupid reasoning you have. Your logic sucks because you're a fucking mentally deprived idiot! You can't even fucking figure out …