Layla Cumia is the real victim here

6  2019-08-27 by SpaceCaseBassFace

She will grow up with an inattentive father who's too busy self sabotaging his part time cover band gig to get her to school on time or be a positive male role model. She'll pretend to be disappointed when Joe tells her he's too busy waging war on the redditards to attend her parent teacher conferences, but will secretly be elated because it means she won't have to deal with the embarrassment of her teachers meeting him and learning of his immense faggotry.

She will eventually begin to realize her father's staggering level of hypocrisy, and how he manifests every negative trait he criticizes in others. This is where she will approach the precipice of an enormous crossroads. In one, more likely scenario, she will begin to resent her father, and rebel in ways that seem typical for a teenage girl but whose roots run far deeper than that. These will likely include drug use, promiscuous sex with minorities, and adopting various leftist ideologies. She might even go lesbo, who knows.

In another, she will see what a complete and abject failure and hypocritical, obese, racist, embarrassment her father is and use that negative energy in a positive way, studying hard in school and finding a viable career path. Children of ne'er-do-wells will typically end up repeating the mistakes of their parents or realizing their flaws and doing everything in their power not to become one. I hope and pray that Layla will do the latter. She's an innocent in all of this and deserves a better father.

I know you're gonna see this brutal indictment of the complete lack of content in your character as some sort of attack on your daughter (and yourself), Joe, but I wish your daughter nothing but the best. I honestly hope she can break the Cumia cycle and become an upstanding and contributing member of society despite never having an example of such a person in their day to day life.

Nice essay, stupid.


Nice tenpenny vocabulary and psycological projecting stupid. As a wise man once said if you're daughter doesn't hate you by the time she is a teenager and you are retired then you have Failed as a Father and a Man. Also you libtrads really need to pick a idealogy because "ohh homosexuality is born" vs "ohh homosexuality is a choice" vs "ohh homosexuality is latent until your testerone level drops from Raging Bull to normal male levels".

NO girl should respect their father and his wishes according your Leftist idealogy because your are Enforcing the Patriotarchy on a Young Supple Female warriors of Tomorow!

Hi Joe.

Lol not Joe never have been never will be as much as I'd like to be..Check my post History if you don't know why....He makes more money between HVA/C and performance in a Year that you will make in your pathetic entire...LIVES!

Lol I feel that like old Southern guy from Forest Gump "We was sitting next to a doggum millionare the whole time and didn't even know it!

OK, terrific.

Yeah we are. Were pretty Cool for Cows 😎🐮😎🐮😎🐮


Lol more hatters thinking I'm Joe? I wish I had half of the balls that Joe has putting up with you, miss creyunt everyday like how do you NOT understand that everytime you try to mock LOOSE! Harrassment DOES NOT = free speech and his CEASE and DESSIST CLEARLY states that sub members have followed him to church and his house which is CLEARLY targeted harassassment.

Chill out, Joe. Be a fucking man and a fucking parent for once. Ignore the internet, get over your narcissism and go pay attention to your family for a change. You aren't man enough to provide for yourself, the absolute least that you can do is pay attention to your daughter before Ant or Hollander do it for you.

We've been over this so many Times that I do not know this Geffrey Hollander guy you are all SO obsesed with...he came to the Compound one time and after we found out what a piece of garbage human excrement he is we had security FORCEABLY remoove him from the Nice job in Fantasy World where you make pretend you're entire existance we are the only ones keeping you from abject obscurity! 😆😆😆😆