LAAAYYYLA, I'm on reddit every day, LAYLA, filing false dmca's, LAYLA, redditards got me on my knees, LAYLA, my guitar's Chinese, LAAAAAAAYYYYYYLLLLAAAAA, darlin won't you ease my stupid mind.

71  2019-08-27 by JoeCumiaDotCom


SoA strap for his Chinese axe. Textbook meadow-muffin.

First thing I noticed too. Fucking ewww. Usually I just find him appallingly stupid but today I'm genuinely grossed out.

That cable coming from the microphone isn't connected to an amplifier, it's a tube connected to a vat of child spit and nigger cum which sprays into his mouth every two minutes to keep him peppy.

Why does he fancy himself the eccentric rockstar type? What an asshole