Brother Bovine had time for illegal DMCAs but not to visit this

62  2019-08-27 by Jung_Skywalker


rowe looks like how i imagine an etruscan looks

Ant's ancestor was dug up with the body of a 12yr old girl. Researchers were confused when the DNA wasnt his daughter but matched the body of a ex-warrior found 1km away.

Grown men abandoned their mother because they're so stunted and babyish that it hurt their wittle feewings too much.

Joseph Cumia DID NOT care about his mother, IN FACT he told people she had died when she was actually still alive. True story. Source: Patrick S Tomlinson.

that was really fucking funny. and dawn had to point out, she's not dead on facebook

fucking degenerates.

She took care of both of them on a night club salary when their father abandoned them to take a mexicans job playing cowboy on a ranch.

"She was already gone and there was a new crop of 5th graders over at the middle school, so I was short on time."