I do not look like a thumb, child. I'm a bad beer chuggin ass kickin mf

18  2019-08-25 by BlackFeetBootyStreet


*proceeds to rant about the age of consent for 30 minutes*

Coming soon to Compound Media

Chugs a beer walking on stage... what a tryhard tool.

You're 40, ya big fat goose. Ew, I have douche chills. Look at the back of my arms, I have douchebumps all over the place.

We can only assume it was beer or child piss

How can we really REALLY know?

You can see him eagerly waiting to start chugging his half sip of beer that was left. Totally planned, child.

Ugh you're right... ewwwww

The "I'm too busy drinking beers to shake your hand" bit is nauseating. He can't even act like a grown man.

Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.

David Brent wouldn't even pull that big of a douche move.

Can you imagine this rube trying out his set in front of any legit comedy audience in the Northeast? Boston, NY, Chicago, Philly? Anywhere where you don't get points just for trying? Anywhere where pandering to lowest common denominator SJW sensibilities, or 30-year old divorce premises stolen from Rodeny Dangerfield is met with exasperated sighs? Anywhere where they'd laugh at his skin tight backwards hat and boot cut farmer jeans and notice immediately that he's trying to project something he thinks they'll like? Audiences are too sterilized in this climate to openly boo, but the best he'd get is blank stares, followed by nervous shuffling, followed by complete indifference. Everyone would either get up to use the restroom or smoke outside. What a dud. 🐖

What a pathetic shitdick 😂🤣

This guy stinks!