Book of Isaiah; 6:8 ""Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me.""

12  2019-08-25 by PaulRNelsonn

Visit and contact his publisher's website, easily accessible if you deduce it from the email address posted on his blog. You can call/email them at your leisure. Alert them that this "author" is not not only a liar, but a social media terrorist, online bully, and delusional sociopath. I won't link the page here for fear of getting the whole sub nuked ... but that can't stop us. DM me if you're too lazy. This tool cannot and will not be allowed to roam free. I've made it my Crusade. I swear, on my honor as an original pest and autistic degenerate, that I will not rest until we declare victory. Plus, he just skeeves me dude.