Patrick's awake and fielding questions on a Saturday afternoon. Poor little mug.

9  2019-08-24 by PaulRNelsonn


If you wanna say Hi, drop by his month-old thread on his silly motorcycle sub and leave him something nice. He'll respond promptly.

Man what a swell guy. Giving up his Saturday night to talk with his fans.


Fattycakes just can’t help himself. Social media really is all he has and it’s completely by choice. Imagine if he put this much energy into being a husband and father.

The best part of leaving him messages is knowing he's going to respond. He never ever lets us down. What a guy.

In the words of a similarly large breasted though far more successful individual Patso should just leave it alone.

Because I'm not overweight, child.


What? "I'm not overweight, child" is something skinny people say all the time.

Now we know where Low-T Joey gets his inspiration for engaging with his fan-base.