Here's a compilation of scummy things Patrick has done

14  2019-08-23 by PedophiliaIsWrong

copied & pasted from voat:

Porsalin's video overview of the saga

The fateful anti-Norm tweet and Patrick's first interaction with the sub

Patrick admitting to abusing the DMCA reporting system:

How Trolls Hack Twitter to Silence the Rest of Us:

Patrick admits he was finally banned from Twitter for making threats against other users:

The epic Facebook post in which he endorses assaulting conservative women

Patrick espouses more worrying, violent rhetoric

Here Patrick boasts about his anger issues, alcoholism and claimed barfighting experience

Screenshot of Patrick reviewing his own books to unfairly boost their scores

A fair analysis of Pat's writing

The famous "Beer and Brats" comment

Evidence of his wit, in case you forgot he also claims to be a stand-up comedian

Patrick's pro-abortion rant is refuted by noted Jew Ben Shapiro

More evidence of alcoholism

Pat's heroic vision of escorting minority attendees into a comic book convention to protect them from nonexistent "Nazis"

He prefers his filet mignon well-done

Patrick vs. Youtube commenters

Tomlinson mentions his real job as an insurance salesman

Patrick pretending his cat's twitter account wasn't him (it was eventually banned as well)

Here he is complimenting his own tweet

Patrick loses his twitter:

Patrick Screeching to a Twitter auto-response email:

Patrick responding to himself on an Alt Twitter account:

Patrick gets called out for responding to his acct using an alt on twitter:

Link to basic Facts about Patrick on Mr. Metokur Sub:

Patrick and his "friend" having a mental breakdown in now-deleted Youtube comments:

deleted comments off tor book review:

Fatrick REEEing over attempts at hijacking instagram:

Patrick gets upset by a stranger minding their own business, puts them on blast on Twitter

Patrick is an angry, violent man


He is so embarrassing.