I can’t wait to get into the pool today!

1  2019-10-02 by Carol_Maxheimer


This one should get it's own post. POC ribs hurting.

It is not pool weather in Vegas right now

Maybe for you. We’re a tougher breed to people.

This Long Island trash thinks she looks good

I don't think, I know. I've already been hit on buy several men here already.

What fucking trash! I’m 40 and when I go away with the wife the last thing I want to see is your kids and I’m sure the feel is mutual but not Joe! He bring his queen to a kid piss filled pool at some budget hotel off the stripe.

Hope she's got a swim diaper on

She looks like Meg Mucklebones from Legend

I thought water killed Gremlins

I'm sure that chlorine is doing wonders for her soft supple skin

The only way that bitch is get wet.