We're having a great time! You jelly?

1  2019-10-02 by Carol_Maxheimer


I wish I was entertained by what simple “white” trash people think is a nice time out

You know they are extremely white trash when the black guy is the best dressed.

I hope the napkin in Carol's lap is extra absorbant

I have to marvel at what an absolute retard is for thinking that tidbit of info was gonna stop us all dead in our tracks.

"Oh she squirts?! That changes everything. How foolish of us to ever question her looks now that we know we'd need to clean up after her as well."

That's how dudes who watch lots of porn but have very little actual sexual experience talk.

Where is that first day of the old school diet post?


That fat asshole picked out that god damn stupid shirt just for his trashy boomer faggot trip.

Four obese faggots and the ugly hags that love them



Too much bacon, egg, cheese on a roll.

Whos the fat lightskin woman sitting between Joe and Carol?

that's token and shanika.

A couple of credit cards got maxed out that night.

A waistline as well

JoeH looking gayer and fatter than ever

I think Joe is wearing black yoga pants. The fat fuck can’t wear pants with a button and zipper anymore. Anyone can do it!

Joe, you and your faggot friends should be wearing polo shirts and Dockers to attempt having the bare minimum of class. This is Vegas, we generally detest tourist trash like you. Go to Fremont Street, you’ll fit in.

These people are all aggressively ugly.

Long Island gutter trash.

Damn! Joe is getting fucking FAT!!!

What do you mean “getting?” He’s triple the size of the cow next his ghoulish roommate


No bacon, egg, cheese on a roll this morning…

Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient. 😎 👍

(No offense AIDS patients….) 😬

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.

Devils Rejects lookin ass niggas

I don't know if it's just a bad angle or if Fred from Brooklyn's arms have fallen off from gangrene.

Joe dresses like the old guy that created Jurassic Park.

And this is after testosterone injections. What the fuck is he eating, SpaceEdge's fat pussy?

The rat-faced cunts in the back with mutant pig noses... What an obscene sight this group is.

It's like they're posting these pictures to the internet just to give us endless entertainment.

Last Vegas 2: Big Apple Ranch Boys Go Wild

What a table full of goblins.

Holy shit, its' the heifer club with James Heffer hosting.

One day this hefty idiot will bend over to tie his shoelace and he won’t get back up again.

They're having so much fun, and I Hate that!

Looks like Joe's arhtritis is acting up again