repost: I created a shitty forums site on my Romanian host

1  2019-10-02 by quasi101

I set up a shitty forums here's my post from before (its offshore in romania):

It is currently set to admin approval only. I don't know a good way to keep out the trouble makers, so just pm me the name you registered and I'll figure something out. I don't expect this to replace the sub hopping, but at least somewhere to regroup. I don't plan on much moderation (no management, our forums), except anything illegal or spamming so that it breaks my shitty host. Its hosted into Romania so generally, they don't care except illegal shit.

That said here's a bunch of gay caveats

  • feed nana
  • I don't know what I'm doing and never adminned a forums. Its basic forums code.
  • I'm not investing too much time in customizing any of this in the short term
  • The hosting has been fairly reliable but may go down. They got hit with some botnet attack a week ago, so it may be flakey at times. It's in fucking Romania.
  • CDNs are expensive so it'll be slow. fuck you.

A few people registered but if no one wants this at least we might have a place to regroup as a last resort.


UPDATE: I disabled attachments for now as well so that should deal with any illegal images.


god bless


Thank you for your vast service to this community of brothamen brothaman.

Can I be a mod? Here's my resume. I also have many references available on this sub who can vouch for my professionalism.

you're literally the first person to ask so yeah probably

Were you the same Socrates from the last forum? Werent you buddy buddy with SRP? Dont mod this guy

He already said yes. No take backs.


But I'm lazy though. So a couple actually insane people get through....

I dont see a problem with them getting through rly. Kinda inevitable. But if they’re gonna be mods you should quit while youre ahead haha

ive just signed up, moderate me, child.


Eh I'd probably join but not with this ridiculous secret-club style approach. The fact that you're already trying to keep certain people out just gives me nauseous flashbacks to JohnnyCakes and Spacejunkie.