Is there an off-site alternative anymore that everyone would be happy with?

1  2019-10-02 by Dominus_Odium

8chan was discussed awhile ago and is gone. Saidit remains but the app kinda sucks and the people there already are huge faggots. We tried a private forum and the bitch who ran it didn't get an offshore DMCA ignoring host and couldn't figure out how to delete/report people posting threats to get the site shutdown. People always bring up Voat but they close sign-ups all the time and it's fucking annoying, as well as being sort of a shithole.

So, what's the haps? I feel like one day IP bans are coming, with the new focus on getting rid of mean words, hurtful statements and wrong ideas here on reddit, a site moderated by the worst degenerates of all.

Even if it's not that, it's gonna be something and we can't assume everybody is going to pay for a VPN to start /r/opieandanthony26 after a few more months of this.


Let's all go back to MySpace

Can't. I called Tom a niggerfaggot and he's upset with me now.


Josh won't was us on his website but he'd host a website for us I'd reckon

Tor is free

And slow

It can be, but should be fine for bypassing any fun-filter applied to us

I set up a shitty forums here's my post from before:

It is currently set to admin approval only. I don't know a good way to keep out the trouble makers, so just pm me the name you registered and I'll figure something out. I don't expect this to replace the sub hopping, but at least somewhere to regroup. I don't plan on much moderation (no management, our forums), except anything illegal or spamming so that it breaks my shitty host. Its hosted into Romania so generally, they don't care except illegal shit.

That said here's a bunch of gay caveats

  • feed nana
  • I don't know what I'm doing and never adminned a forums. Its basic forums code.
  • I'm not investing too much time in customizing any of this in the short term
  • The hosting has been fairly reliable but may go down. They got hit with some botnet attack a week ago, so it may be flakey at times. It's in fucking Romania.
  • CDNs are expensive so it'll be slow. fuck you.

A few people registered but if no one wants this at least we might have a place to regroup as a last resort.

You've done good, budday. May Gregg and the Big Cat bless you.

If you have trouble with hosting, switch to 1776 hosting

Shit, what about IRC?

Voat is filled with MDE type fags. Only a matter of time before the MSS give it to us Tiananmen style.

There are some good options around VPNs which would circumvent IP bans. I can assist interested brothermen if they PM me (I might not respond instantly but I'll get to it eventually, calm down). If there is great enough demand I can look into creating our own VPN - this is very much dependent on several factors that I'm not going to discuss here though.

Dude just use a tor browser and set the endpoints to us only. I've done that and not had trouble with captcha

Is Yahoo Messenger still a thing?

I think 4 chan would be good but I think half the appeal here is our names anonymous244224663235664223 doesn't have the same ring ya know?

I for one will be posting Joe/Karen photoshops on my local Panera Bread community billboard, I suggest you do the same and finally take this movement national.

See you faggots on Friendster