This is great.

1  2019-09-18 by Lordtelefonemane


Online harassment isn't real. Nigga, just turn off your computer. Stop coming here. If people here are making fun of you, and you don't know about it, its not harassment.

I was looking through the comments, a supposed law firm reached out to him with advice. Uh oh.

Shyster and Shyster. They will tell you anything to get you to pay a retainer

Dewey, Cheatem & Howe

I think he took a lawyer and he tweeted about and recommended her, what a loser.


Oh shit, I forgot all about him going to GenCon. Is that fatfuck telling people he got rid of us while still engaging with us on a daily basis?

Pontificating authoritatively about something he can't actually do?

Doesn't sound like the Patrick I know.

I can't imagine the lies and exaggerations he told that day. Meanwhile conveniently leaving out all the antagonizing bullshit he does to bring it upon himself.

God, he's such a little bitch. Well, not little. He's actually quite fat, you see.

I love the fact that two proponents of pedophilia and child abuse are being held up as some sort of heroes. Never change, Twitter.

Could you imagine how unglued Butterball would be if Trump acted like Patty does whenever he is criticized?

1 like = 1 book sale, great success, you fat faggot.

Creatives? Stop it.

I hope Pat mentioned we “body shammed” him after he insults anyone involved with Trump’s physical appearance on a daily basis on twitter.

Erik, get in the oven, faggot. That’s what all that “marginalized backgrounds and identities” means, is that you are a weak faggot.

I can’t imagine anything worse than being Patrick other than listening to him and feeling inspired.

"Particularly creatives of marginalized backgrounds and identities"

This one is just brimming with empathy isn't he? What a Good Person he must be. If anything his problem is that he cares TOO MUCH.