Oh Joe!

1  2019-10-02 by joescumiasdd214


Have never read either but wouldn't this shithole be the polar opposite of r/braincels or whatever that place was? Why weren't they banned for being assholes on the other side of the coin?

Reminder that when they didn't bite, he stuck around and chatted about birth control with them, revealing that he had a vasectomy.

Isn't that where he admitted his non wife pisses all over the bed?

women should be in cages, theyre lucky we let them talk much less vote.

Imagine being 75 years old and spending your time like this.

I like that he called us alpha-males.

Did he also tell them that his racist brother fucks underage girls? Or that his pedophile brother was following a female down dark streets in the middle of the night to take pictures of her because she’s black?

Not to mention it was only to ridicule her. He had no intentions on taking any sort of artistic photos, he wanted to take a photo of a black prostitute, just to ridicule her. That bitch fucking knew what was going on and went over there and smacked him him just like he deserved. She's a Real Ass Woman.