Get off your lazy ass and make another account. Don't lurk!

1  2019-10-02 by dabratisback1

There's now a point to be proven. We gotta bump those numbers up. I know its disheartening that your account got permanently suspended, but don't give up. A new account is only a minute away. We have to show Fatrick, Joe, and now Reddit that this isn't going to end, especially through attrition.


My six year account was suspended a few weeks ago. At first I was like "awww" but now I couldn't give a shit. OH NOES I LOST MY REDDIT XP! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Fuck the admins.

Upvote if admins are gay faggots

You are assuming I ain’t gay and already got 10 alts