Just like Eric!

1  2019-10-02 by JoshFromMichigan


Old folks home?

Look at the pocket area of his sweatshirt. His gunt is clearly spilling over his belt. He’s atrocious.

Imagine what random people think. "Oh sweetie give that poor retarded old man a tip"

people are literally facing the opposite way

He sits like a ventriloquist's doll.

You had the perfect opportunity to call him a dummy and you biffed it.

We're all very disappointed in you.


I bet you're heating up!

I don't understand how this is anatomically possible. It looks like he's missing five vertebrae.

I hope his daughter falls out of a window.

She'd land in a pile of Chinese guitars

Nice homemade bar built out of bare rockwall, stupid

Wine is COMP’D 😎🤘🍷

You should never be behind a speaker but the fuck do I know.