Opie Fucking Rules

11  2019-09-11 by DentureChamp1488

He is a high school basketball star, former commercial actor, aspiring news anchor and model. Anthony Cumia was a lucky tin knocker, his brother is a hotdog, and his pudding brain mother burns in hell.

Fuck Patrick S. Tomlinson.


Destroyer refuses to go to the dark side. Count Groomia and friends keep trying to recruit him. It's like a super hero saga

Why do you think Keith keeps pushing so hard for O and A to reunite? I know there'd be a surge in interest and probably subs but everyone knows it would be temporary. So what's in it for him?

You really don't know they're going broke? Artie was all they had. Nobody is paying for that nonsense

Opie is a living legend, while tranth is a pedophile faggot