Joe Cumias rant how pedophilia isn’t illegal.

6  2019-09-06 by PhishInVa2


Who fucked who Joe? Didnt you embarrass yourself on national tv because of us canceling your gigs? Didnt ant lose several twitter accounts, that would be great for advertising because of us?

Woah not cool Joe! How could you say that its ok to jerk to "KP" !?!? Joey wtf dude dont you have a daughter?
I thought Jeff Hollander (Kurt Love) was Joeys buddy from all the photos and videos Joe posted of them together in Joeys apartment.
I didnt know he was AntHs friend. I knew AntH being a pedo for buying the ipad for the 13year old girl. Then DMing a different 14yr old that he wanted to fly in take out to eat and maybe kiss her.
That and the 100s of times he admitted to it on tape.

Yup. Also known as James Hefner. Best friends with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Hollander.

Damn sick sick disgusting people.

the SEETHING holy shit. this is a 70 year old man lmfao

/u/quasi100 is this post documented? Its a keeper


Possession of child pornography is a crime. How can it be legal to jerk off to something that's illegal to possess? Fucking cowheaded idiot.

he basically just said ant does it

Go over your brother's house and borrow his. Easy.