Podcast app?

3  2019-05-21 by Motocrossjones06

Any good apps out there to listen to tacs? The compound media app is utter shit and I'm hoping there is a way to listen to the show on a different app. Any help would be appreciated.


I use beyondpod. Great app. The tacs rss feed is all fucked up and the episodes are in a jumbled mess so you have to find new episodes normally at the bottom of the list and manually download. The RSS used to be fine and then like a year ago it crapped out and of course they don't give a shit if you contact them.

I use pocket casts...no complaints.

I just bought it. Entered the rss feed and downloaded the last three episodes. Will try it at work today, but so far it's fan fucking tastic... Thanks

No problem. It's pretty customizable. I have it pull down the latest when I'm on wifi...auto delete once I'm done with it or it's a week old...you can also cut the silence...or create a custom speed to listen to it at.

Tacs is fucking terrible