Red Bar leaving. Discuss.

9  2017-01-18 by wadall

I don't care if Cumia gets less guests because Red Bar shits on people. Guests will come to the network if they know they can get exposure.

O&A shit on comedians all the time but comedians still showed up because for them the risk of being made fun of was worth it for the exposure.

Keith is really fucking up.


How? Red Bar has always sucked ass

If you hate who he hates he doesn't.

One of my first experiences watching him was flipping his show on and listening to him go on about he was going to have a gun in his studio in case anyone wanted to come fuck with him, and how he really wanted someone to come fuck with him so he could shoot them much he was looking forward to shooting someone and it went on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on. Dude sounded like a megalomaniac and I'd instantly had enough. Maybe I should've given him more of a chance, but I won't feel like I'm missing anything from now on.

He is a crazy man there is no doubt about that. He went to this boarding school in the 90's that was basically a cult run by the students.

In it he had to participate in sessions where people would stand around you and make fun of you, call you names, and make you admit to doing something you might or might not have done.

Then he had a comedy club which, through various loopholes, was stolen from him.

In 2011 the comedy community has excommunicated him because of that incident where he started calling out all the people that stabbed him in the back. Because these people who he was calling out had a lot of connections in the comedy community, he basically stopped having live guests.

Now he just calls out anybody's public blunders.

If you come into his show knowing his past it all makes sense.

But he doesn't take criticism and he is way to obsessed with pop culture.

Well, now I know his past. He still isn't funny.

No, he still sucks ass.

PM Keith, at his finest. Bbbboooooys...

He's a cooler h3h3 when you get right down to it but that aint saying much. That fucking retarded russian he has on is so cringe worthy it hurts..They talk about PBs being gay (not a PB myself) but I'm pretty sure that eastern euro fag would huffs mike's dick in a second.

The show was just slow and boring. It doesn't progress quickly enough. If you have a life, job and family, how do I sit through hours of you bitching to learn something that could have been explained in 20 minutes? This show is for losers/teenagers who have the time to sit around. good riddance.

how do I sit through hours of you bitching to learn something that could have been explained in 20 minutes

Especially when the 2 hours you are seeing is just the teaser for the fucking 8 hours of "bonus content".

So you now have spent multiple hours watching someone deconstruct some shit podcast/video/clip that you never would have watched in the first place. What the fuck is the point?

The corners of the internet are full of cringeworthy crap, I don't need to be spoon fed that stuff.

i still dont understand what that h3h3 guy is all about, hes got his boring indian sitting there while he babbling about some utube nobobies, and he jumped on that bone ken thing pretty quick and hard. according to reddit hes vuury funny but i dont see it yet

It was funny when he was part of that initial wave of reaction youtubers. As soon as they ran out of people to make fun of, they turned to original material which is drier than my wife's cunt.

it was entertaining enough when he shit on those sloflo ppl, but then he start making vid about ken bone, trump and associated retarded sjw shit i unsubbed immediaty

Look, its the guy who only posts Redbar news.

I'm a fan.

Redbar would be good if he didnt take forever to make a point. He takes too long to show the funny stuff. He tries to hard to get you to sign up to barmy by teasing you with a story and then keeping the good stuff behind a paywall. Smells like a jewish tactic, hence he is very sensitive about making fun of jews.

He said his dad is a Jew and has a lot of money but never spends it or shares it. Also David (star of David) is a Jewish last name.

He was sent to a boarding school for troubled teens in the 90's which was more expensive than a Harvard education. Most of the teens that went there were on the state dime but I think his parents payed out of pocket.

From other things I've heard he grew up in a very nice neighborhood with a man made lake that was yearly stocked with fish.

His parents also bought him a car in his teens.

He's a rich Jew.

lol, had no idea he was a member of the (((tribe))). That explains just about everything.

lol, everytime....

Found the Proud Boy!

now we are talking uncensored

I didn't like Redbar when I first heard it years ago. Just thought he was trying really hard to be edgy and offensive.

After now having been an O&A fan for years, it's clear that Redbar is just jocktobering any and everything. I love it.

His appearances on Compound have really made me a fan. This looks really bad for the network considering this whole situation Keith/Compound are operating totally opposite to what it seemed the network was founded on.

I could not get past the Jocktober horn he plays all the fucking time and the King Cumiar. I do not care if you call Anthony Tranny Mcpockface or anything horrible really, just King Cumiar gave me douchechills. Those two threw me off so bad, I could not listen to anything else.

Nigga Please!