Redbar Versus Gavin

1  2016-12-04 by SheriffChef

Leotard-tight jeans wearing Chicagoan (possibly son of Janice from Bennington) versus twirly-mustachioed Canadian. Who will win? More importantly, do we give a shit????


After 7 hrs. without a comment, Obviously nobody gives a fuck about this podcast war.

Don't you need 2 sides to have a war? All I see is Mike basing half his show around it and Gavin basically ignoring him.

Red bar is just trying to start a radio war. Hackiest attention grab there is.

He's had 5 episodes on a network with a paywall, no one watches his show.

Honestly redbar is not in Gavin's league or even in the same arena> Gavin is looking to have fun and try to fix the world. Red Bar is trying to have fun and build up redbar. I have nothing against redbar but he seems a bit to focused on pop culture and things that do not matter to take seriously in any major way. On the other side Gavin leaves himself open to criticism because uses the buckshot method, he throws every idea he has at the wall and if its good its good if its not its cringe. I have a feeling Gavin will move on and redbar will obsess over this. Inconsequential.

I like red bar and think he is entertaining but this is getting so old at this point. RB radio was cool because he would talk about something for 15-20 minutes then move on. His last few shows have been all Gavin complaining. Move on...

No one cares about Red Bar. Watched a few shows on Compound Media and it's a middle-aged man drinking and doing shock jock shit. Nothing of value and poor content.

Also, he blocks anyone who trolls him on a chat he does... but then tries to troll the Proud Boys... So we tune out. He's an odd dude..

Red Bar rules and the ones talking shit are just a bunch of faggity Proud homos who are butthurt. There is no "war" because Gavin ran away from any confrontation so he didn't have to address anything that has been said on the show.


he blocks anyone who trolls him on a chat he does

Holy shit there is no way he does that! How can a guy who loves to troll people censor people who are mean to him? You sort of have to have thick skin if you are going to be a troll. It's in the troll handbook. Didn't he give Gavin shit that the PB facebook group blocks people who are trolls?

It's all a misunderstanding

And on TGMS you got a middle aged man getting naked at least once a month, shoving stuff up his ass and talking about how he wet the bed. Additionally, Gavin often repeats entire monologues to the point where I start thinking that I already listened to that episode...

Also, I wouldn't say Mike from Red Bar actively trolls the Proudboys, he just points out ridiculous nutcase behaviour.