Cumia Network, like Stern Network, doesn't really need to worry about piracy

0  2016-10-12 by 306d316b72306e

People who are out there trying to download pirated copies of the shows are some of the laziest sheep you'll ever come across. Basically their behavior even outside of their pirating screams welfare recipient or freeloader..

This is why I say none of the paid-podcast or sirius networks have much to worry about. Unless someone is stupid enough to feed these idiots using their own time and money.. You're sure as hell not going to gain any fame or currency from doing it and you're even less likely to get them to do anything in the way of tasks..

I think most of the torrents go dead within hours because people give up.. Too lazy to even steal?


hey- i live in a third world shithole and don't have the cash to dedicate to a subscription.

i don't know what happened to mothergoose/fatherbarns, but if you're out there please come back. it's not stealing. intellectual property is just a false scarcity, and i'd support the show if i was in any position to be able to.

If you can afford a phone, iPad or computer capable of watching it, I'm sure you can afford the subscription. It is like 7 bucks a month.

thanks rich american for the input.

good luck getting that logic across to them..

Poorfag works freelance.. fucking kek

sometimes yes.. It's likely better than what you do in the remote likelihood that you even have income.. Most of your activity on reddit is noob level gaming shit.. Mostly piracy because you can't afford games..

So, AntH is against, "Syndication Underground"?

not sure what that is, but the forum I found that has references to that basically aligns with what I said here.. They can't keep a source and are lazy as fuck..