
11  2016-07-13 by rickygri

So is this it? Is this the end? Does anyone watch anything on the network? Is the o+a sub finally bored of the endless shitposts? Or is it too late? Did the mods kill themselves? Will anyone read this? Find out next week


I finally set myself a reminder to unsubscribe in August. Gavin is just annoying now, Ant still sucks and everything else is trash besides NYCCR.

It's all dying

Have you watched in hot water? I know the general consensus on here is against it but those guys crack me up

Gavin is overexposed, as I said he would be when he went to 4 days a week initially. His show was great when it was 1-2 days a week. 4 is overkill. I love him, but I've missed a few shots recently and don't feel the need to go back to watch them.

My 6 months is up and I haven't watched anything in the past 2. Good riddance

Did anyone doubt that when /r/TACSDiscussion spun back up as /r/CompoundMedia and split the community that the mods would quickly get bored and abandon the place again?

Back to /r/TACN, where there is least some small amount of discussion and the O&A sub shitposters at least get downvoted.

I left after LoS left, glad to hear the I'm not missin much

u missed the columbo quiz thing

/r/TACN is still plugging along.

I was kinda delighted by the Kurt Schilling episode, but I still couldn't listen past the interview. Ant by himself is just the same shit, over and over, day in and day out. Every time I hear him talk about his hair I hit the off button immediately.

Gavin's downward spiral has been entertaining, but he does tend to do the same show, day in and day out.

Dare I say it, radio works better with a cohost?

There's loads I like but I kinda think if this place wasn't so hostile it could give some good feedback and Ant would actually listen

lol has he ever listened to any suggestions over the last 2 years? not just from reddit, has he taken any advice from any where/anyone?