Having trouble deciding on a Proud Boys tattoo design.

0  2016-06-09 by JoeCumiaSr

I can't wait to see these start to emerge. I'm real excited to get in on the ground floor of a movement like this. PROUD OF YOUR BOOOOOY. haha.


you could blow a tattooed guy, it would be just as gay


I'm waiting for Gavin to get his before I get mine.

I just had a great idea while emptying my butt. KNUCKLES! P R O U D on the right hand and B O Y S on the left.

I was thinking on wrist so when I'm arguing with liberals at dinner I can easily show them my PB tat and they'll know.

I say forehead is a good spot.

Be serious. A caller today said he's getting one on his forearm and so is Gavin. So I was thinking stay in the lower arm area.

Along both pointer fingers so when you're pleasuring uncircumcised gentlemen you can look down and remember how it all started.


Bet you don't even have tattoos lol
