Why are millennials always getting sick?

0  2016-06-01 by JoeCumiaSr

I caught the fucking flu from a millennial coworker for the 2Nd time this year. I'm missing out on wok because these millenials are so unhealthy they're always getting sick. Wtf do millenials eat? Do they even take vitamin d?


Because your generation sanitized the shit outta us so we were unable to build up our immune systems.

tl;dr It's never my fault, it's yours.

We were overdue for another JoeCumiaSr shitpost...

My threads are better than your shitty comments.

my assumption is a lot of millenials did not get breast feed

Their Mommy was constantly wiping things down with Lysol and Purell. When I was a kid if something fell on the floor, my mom wiped it on her shirt (if that) and handed it back to me. Our generation (I'm mid 30's) and older got sick as infants and toddlers so that we wouldn't get sick as we got older. We built up a tolerance. We also got immunized for a lot of things that thanks to Jenny McCarthy, no one since 1995 has.

I ask for extra vaccines when I get my yearly flu shot.

I'm a rebel. I don't get a flu shot.

umm like because its 2016 and we don't have free healthcare. like its common sense. maybe if you werent FORCED to work so many hours just to like live and stuff because of capitalism and stuff it wouldnt matter if you just took a couple days off to LITERALLY get healthy. You think you have it bad imagine all of the poor minorities who feel the cold worst because they are like literally fleeing a warzone and dont have the privileges you have to deal with the flu. Or women who are discriminated agains everyday by airconditioning controlled by a male dominated power structure in your company. I literally cant even. You need to check your privilege ✊✊✊✊✊

I don't get sick but I'm usually hungover and call out for that reason

You sound like my oldest son except he never had a job chuckles