The Anthony Cumia Show - Live Discussion - (5/25/16)

0  2016-05-25 by EskimoEscrow


Joe Devito...its been too long brother.

I hope this is the show where they announce that Keith closed the deal and Joey D is officially second mic!!!

Sorry, if I read Joey D, I think Diaz :)

Oh I didn't even think about that... I wish it was Joey Diaz...

That is being saved for Bob Levy

That was cool hearing Ant give ESD's show all that praise.

It's my 2nd favorite show, always cracks me up.

13 Hours is a fucking powerful film. Gripped my chair all the way through and when the mortar fired i involuntarily went "oh fuck you" in a movie theater

i dont want to be "you should read the book guy..." but you should read the book. pretty great.

Finally he brings up Benghazi, I've been wondering his take on it

Garrett's art project has hit monumental proportions.

Garret drew Leisure Suit DeVito for Joe's image.

Getting head from that Chewbacca mask would be trippy.

Joe devito is a funny guest, I don't get the hate