The East Side Dave Show - Episode 18 - Listening Thread (5/24/16)

6  2016-05-24 by EskimoEscrow


Stringsey or Flutsey? i'm starting to lean stringsey.

Stringsey, Flutesy when she isn't holing out.


Flutzy all the way

did you miss the stringsy bikini episode? stringsy all the way

That ass seals the deal

I never miss a ESDS.

I'm gonna be that guy, which episode was that?

Stringsey seems like more of a whore. I kinda have a thing for whores.

Is that why you love your mother so much?


Roy Harder is a fucking maniac and I love it!

fucking crazay

fuckin and suckin dawgsies

Best part of the week!

he does these impersonations

How does ESDS not go viral with that pulp fiction rendition?


This might be the Dave Man's best performance of Damn it's Been a Real Fine Day since episode 1.

special christmas show?