Congress just passed a deal to regulate large podcast networks (over 20 shows)

1  2016-05-20 by [deleted]



"deal" wasn't the right word, whatever, you get the idea

House minority leader and bill co-sponsor Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) addressed the media shortly after votes were tallied.

“At present, the podcast game is rigged in the favor of a powerful few, but we are now doing everything in our power to open up the playing field and ensure that everyone has a chance to make their 90-minute Walking Dead recaps heard,” said Pelosi. “How is a hardworking, creative young podcaster ever supposed to get their off-the-cuff pop-culture hot takes noticed if the greedy individuals behind Earwolf, Maximum Fun, and Panoply are hogging all the ad dollars and has-been celebrity guests? It’s time everyone played fair.”


“We need to ensure that every American with a microphone and an internet connection has the same chance at making money from Squarespace or as the podcast elites at Nerdist Industries,” said bill co-sponsor Pete Aguilar (D-CA), speaking after Pelosi. “Variety is critical to a healthy economy, and it’s time to end the parasitic media reign of the Bill Simmonses and Scott Aukermans of the world.”